Guinea fowl production in nigeria pdf

Laying, hatching and egg quality traits were determined in white and grey varieties of guinea fowl, maintained without selection in poland. Pdf guinea fowl production by indigenous farmers in zimbabwe. Jan 16, 2015 during molecular sexing, the p2p8 primer set was not effective in sexing guinea fowls because it amplified a single band in both sexes and in the same manner. Helminths infestations are known to cause interference with host metabolism resulting in poor feed utilization and reduced growth rate as well as size. Primary data collected with the aid of a structured questionnaire. Presently, genetic analysis of guinea fowl includes some works done focus on the evaluation of semen characteristics of the guinea fowl numida meleagris meleagris in nigeria nwakalor et al. Guinea fowl production provides one of the best alternatives for the rural populace to access meat and eggs as well as potential for revenue generation through sales of live fowl andor eggs. I had a guinea try to take over my neighbors chicken coop once. I was mortified when the neighbor met me at the fence with my bird in hand. Nutritive and economic value of guinea fowl numida meleagris. The managing director, danhassan livestock and poultry services, madugu house, katsina, malam musa rabo danhassan, said that one could start guinea fowl farming with one adult male and four females guinea.

The most pressing problems include low hatchability, high mortality up to eight. In laying hens, infection results in a transient decline in egg production see table 1. The pearl is the most popular variety and the one most people recognize. A study was conducted in the damongo area to identify major constraints to guinea fowl production. Research findings on indigenous guinea fowl in nigeria and the constraints on the local production are discussed. A natural outbreak of newcastle disease nd was reported in a flock of guineafowl in nigeria, affecting 1,029 birds of which 250 24. Raising guinea fowl jacquie jacob and tony pescatore, animal and food sciences g uinea fowl, native to africa, were brought to the united states by early settlers. Challenges to commercialization of guinea fowl in africa.

Pdf economy and performance of guinea fowl raised on free. Not much work has been taken up on the fertility and. The survey involved 35 farmers chosen randomly from damongo and four other villages within 5 km radius of damongo. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to examine guinea fowl production systems and productivity by indigenous local farmers in a semiarid rural. The sex of guinea fowls was properly determined using the primer set 2550f2718r. A natural outbreak of newcastle disease in guineafowl.

It is very easy to maintain guinea fowls and many farmers tend. Gono r k, svinurai w and muzvondiwa j v 20 constraints and opportunities to guinea fowl production in zimbabwe. A natural outbreak of newcastle disease in guineafowl numida meleagris galeata in nigeria e. They were originally hunted before being domesticated. An alternative is to keep the birds in a large run, so that they have no choice but to live in safety.

Imo state, nigeria to evaluate the economy and performance of guinea fowl. A clutch of 15 to 20 eggs is common, and the incubation period for guinea fowl is 27 days. Apr 14, 2018 in nigeria, it is second to the domestic fowl in terms of number and protein supply. Types of poultry raised in the main producing countries, 2007 thousand tons country chicken meat turkey meat duck meat goose and guinea fowl meat total poultry meat % of poultry in total meat product total meat. Guinea fowl production characteristics in the sudanosahelian zone of cameroon were studied using a structured questionaries with 86 farmers in two divisions of the far north administrative region. Domesticated guinea fowl under extensive or semiintensive management in nigeria were reported to lay 60 to 100 eggs with a fertility rate of 40 to 60 percent. Guinea fowls are mostly raised as scavengers together with domestic village poultry kashindye, 2000. Sexing in guinea fowls numida meleagris poultry science. Morphostructural characteristics of three varieties of. Socioeconomic attributes of guinea fowl production in two districts. It has a purplishgray plumage, dotted or pearled with white. Others appreciate the various colors, especially the new colors that are being developed. Hen eggs represent 92% of the global primary production of eggs. Local guinea fowls canlaybetween 70to100eggs inayear.

Inadequate feed supplies gives rise to poor growth rates, low. The agriculture sector of nigeria greatly contributing the total national income and economic growth. They were actually wild birds and the modern birds are the domesticated form of the helmeted guinea fowl. Profitability and resource use efficiency of guinea fowl numida. The guinea fowl potential to increase meat and egg production among. Weight gain, feed consumption, feed efficiency, cost of production, nutritive quality and mortality were compared between the two types of bird.

There are three principle varieties of helmeted guinea fowl reared in the united states at this time, the pearl, white and lavender. Ikani e i and dafwang i i 2004 the production of guinea fowl in nigeria. Nigeria, malawi and zimbabwe, guinea fowl production is in its infancy. Incubators and techniques such as housing birds to protect them from hawks have boosted the production rate of guinea fowl by more than 500%. Nigeria has the highest poultry farms as well as highest participation of people in poultry industry in africa, but in spite of this, various research outcomes have shown that most of these farmers run their farms at very unsustainable profit margins due to lack of technical experience, poor production methods as well as poor management which. Poultry farm manual general management 30 section 3 general management poultry production is highly dynamic in terms of structural and management changes. All about gamebirds that quail place html attracting waterfowl to beaver ponds alabama coop ext system html avian influenza prevention in gamebird and ratite facilities the poultry site html care and handling of game birds from field to table kansas state university pdf construction, insulation and ventilation of game bird facilities university of florida pdf html. Pdf studies were taken in two villages in atta, ikeduru local government area of imo state, nigeria to. They have featherless heads and the helmeted varieties are normally domesticated and often kept for ornamental purposes. One thing that bothers me much many people havent even heard about this beautiful and useful bird. The head and neck are bare, but there may be some wattles.

You can simply start a guinea fowl farming business with a single male and four females. Grey guinea fowl produced more eggs with better hatchability. Start on a good pheasant or turkey starter feed 28% to 30% protein. The wattles on the male guinea are much larger than on the female. Village guinea fowl numidia meleagris production systems in. Production systems poultry farming are kept under a wide range of conditions which can be classified into one of four broad production systems. Guinea fowl production guinea fowl numida meleagris are native to the more arid areas of the west coast of subsaharan africa, but are currently found in india, and after chickens and ducks, are the most numerous poultry species there. Some interesting facts and benefits of raising guinea fowl. Guineafowl production in nigeria worlds poultry science.

May 29, 2016 poultry farming business is the rearing of domesticated birds such as chickens and turkeys for the purpose of obtaining meat or eggs from them for food. Guinea fowl dislike going into dark places, so sticking a batterypowered cupboard light in their house will also be helpful. However sustainability often requires dependence on other sectors. How to raise guinea fowl, includes basics on types of guinea, fowl enclosures, sex of fowl, egg laying and raising guinea young. It is more active, ranges farther, and flies higher than a chicken. Introduction to poultry farming business proposal poultry. Households give birds as gifts, and in southwestern nigeria, chicken entrails are believed to increase libido in older men. Guinea hens start laying at 22 28 weeks of age with increasing daylight orartificial light and continue laying forabout 9 10 months 3640 weeks. The prevalence of the various helminth species in our study agrees with those of earlier investigations 41, 42 in their study involving domestic and grey breasted helmet guinea fowl in nigeria. Highlights of the nigerian livestock resources report david bourn. In todays business environment, faster the ability to adapt to the changing system requirement, faster is the growth. Many poultry farmers in nigeria dont usually pay attention to guinea fowl farming but experts say farming the birds is quite easy and economical. Guinea fowl of both varieties started egg production in the first ten days of april, and the egglaying season was 23 weeks long. White breasted guinea fowl is a strain developed from the common pearl guinea fowl and this bird is being widely accepted among guinea fowl farmers due its size and laying capacity.

Females produced 2 bands of 396 bp and 344 bp, while males only produced the larger band. Guinea fowl eggs over other egg varieties for having a superior taste. Guinea fowl farming in nig eria has not been given the muchneeded attention of poultry farmers in nigeria. Guinea fowl production is a growing poultry enterprise in nigeria. In the wet form there are cankerlike lesions in the mouth, pharynx, larynx, and trachea. Smallscale poultry production food and agriculture.

The most pressing problems include low hatchability, high mortality up to eight weeks, lack of reliable advice on veterinary and other problems and a shortage of sources of hatching eggs and young stock. The commonest strain found in these regions is the pearl guinea fowl. Guinea fowls originate from africa and they are quite similar in appearance to turkeys, with bald blue heads and speckled bodies. How to raise guinea fowl sustainable farming mother earth. Goat farming in nigeria is very popular and common. Many poultry farmers in africa are doing guinea fowl farming business successfully, mainly for profit. In nigeria, there are two types of guinea fowl species. But my neighbors have grown to love our guineas since they have kept predators, bugs, and snakes away from their property too. It was found that the broiler chickens consumed nearly twice as much feed, gained more than twice as much weight and had significantly p guinea fowl meat imports poultry annual reports table 1 nine different subspecies of helmeted guinea fowl. Guinea fowl production in nigeria worlds poultry science journal. Figure 1 guinea fowl meat imports poultry annual reports table 1 nine different subspecies of helmeted guinea fowl. Prospects and challenges to guinea fowl numida meleagris. Guinea fowl production by indigenous farmers in zimbabwe.

Constraints to guinea fowl production in northern ghana. Laying performance, egg quality and hatching results in. It was found that the broiler chickens consumed nearly twice as much feed, gained more than twice as much weight and had significantly p guinea fowl eggs over other egg varieties for having a superior taste. The main constraints to guinea fowl production include high keet mortality rates.

Poultry industry in nigeria economics essays essay. Prospects of guinea fowl production the guinea fowl, though originated from tropical west africa, is adaptable to various climatic conditions, therefore is reared even in temperate countries. Characteristics of guinea fowl production systems in northern. Despite this large numbers, most of the commercial poultry production. A multistage sampling technique involving purposive and simple random sampling was used in the study. Valuation of nigerian livestock resources the total value of livestock, based on mid 1991 market prices, is crudely estimated to be in the region of 60 billion naira. Buffaloes ducks 1 147 200 subtotal 2 345 200 annual revenue crops. The guineas are also sometime called as guineas, pintades or gleanies. Guineafowl production in nigeria volume 38 issue 1 a. Nutritive and economic value of guinea fowl numida. Chickens may be affected with either or both forms of fowl pox at one. The wet form may cause respiratory distress by obstructing the upper air passages. Keets mortality is estimated to be 50% 19 in nigeria and. Poultry are farmed in large numbers commercially with chickens being the plenteous.

Village guinea fowl numidia meleagris production systems in nasarawa state, north central nigeria. Inadequate feed supplies gives rise to poor growth rates, low egg production of guinea fowl and elevated mortalities. Horses 200 000 guinea pigs 500 000 camels 90 000 giant rats 60 000 1includes. Guinea fowl production in nigeria worlds poultry science. How to raise guinea fowl sustainable farming mother. They have featherless heads and the helmeted varieties are normally domesticated and often kept for ornamental. With waapp assistance, farmers can now produce between 600 and 800 birds per quarter, up from less than 100 birds per year. Farming guinea fowls successfully agro news nigeria.

Auibar breeding of guinea fowls as a viable option for. Rearing systems several studies have shown that in most african countries guinea fowl are reared mainly under extensive free range or traditional andor semiintensive systems 9, 10. Valuation of nigerian livestock resources the total value of livestock, based on mid 1991 market prices, is crudely estimated to be in the region of. Authors details anthony nsoh akunzule is deputy director of the veterinary services directorate of the ministry of food and agriculture in ghana, accra. The objective of this study was to characterize guinea fowl production under. Guinea fowl numida meleagris are native to the more arid areas of the west coast of subsaharan africa, but are currently found in india, and after chickens and ducks, are the most numerous poultry species there. The study indicated possible implication of season and hormones in the complex seasonal egg production pattern of the local helmeted guinea fowl in nigeria. Sep 18, 2007 research findings on indigenous guinea fowl in nigeria and the constraints on the local production are discussed.

This paper estimates the profitability and resource use efficiency of guinea fowl production in osun state. This tells you that the business is very easy and economical to start with a very little amount of capital. And domestic or commercial goat farming playing an important role in the overall economic system of this country. Profitability and resource use efficiency of guinea numida.